
OUIL403 - Studio Brief 1 - Your Initial Brief

For this brief we were asked to complete a survey answering questions about ourselves, things like our top 5 reads or words to describe our personality. We were then paired up with another person and told to interview each other and have a conversation about our answers and just elaborate on them and explain why we put each answer.

With the results of these conversations we were asked to pick 10 descriptive words which we would have to find a way to summarise and communicate through a small drawing. Because of the time limit which was imposed on this task, we had to make quick decisions about our image making, the images had to be simple, quick yet still put across the meaning of the word they were describing. 

At first I found it quite easy to come up with a couple of ideas for each word, but it became increasingly harder as time went on. I didn't want to just keep overusing the same idea, I tried to come up with completely different ideas each time, which now looking back on it, was probably the opposite of what I should have done, it would have been more effective to make a simple change to an idea to help it grow and develop rather than making a drastic change and coming up with something completely different. 

I found that the media I most enjoyed using was charcoal, for this particular task it was quite easy to create a simple and bold image which still looked visually appealing, as charcoal itself is quite versatile in the different textures and line qualities it can create.

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